Sludge dewatering involves separating a liquid and solid phase with the goal of achieving the lowest possible residual moisture in the solid phase and the lowest possible residual solids in the separated liquid phase, also known as "the centrate". One of the most common applications of this sludge dewatering process is in municipal sewage treatment or industrial waste water treatment, where the disposal costs are influenced by the amount of residual moisture in the dewatered solids.

HAUS Centrifuges feature:
Robust design and construction for best machine reliability and performance
High G Force: a bowl, rotating at very high speed
Variable Solid Conveying Speed: to handle different solid quantity with desired dryness
Advanced Torque Control to provide driest solids even with varying feed solids concentration
Energy efficient, service friendly centrifuge with locally available spare parts
Unrivalled ease of operation and process stability
Competitive pricing and best after sale service
All the parts in contact with the product are made of stainless-steel. Moreover, to establish maximum reliability, all bowl parts are manufactured using duplex stainless steel and centrifugally casting as one piece. Thus, a weld-less bowl part with a homogeneous micro structure without micro crack faults is produced.